Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Hunt For Pegleg's Treasure

I meant to put this up a long time ago and forgot. Emma and Remo read a book about some kids who were in search of a pirate named Pegleg's treasure. When we finished the book, I set up a station wide treasure hunt. We dressed up, gave them clues and set off to find a real treasure that Dan (Pegleg) hid at the Hydro. It was a ton of fun. The kids got into it but so did the adults. It was hilarious how they all dressed up and got into character. Dan was a hit... he ran around like a mad man and the kids chased after him. We stopped by Granny's (the Bennett's), the amusement park (the Dooley's), Jake's (Scott Dooley's exam room), Talmadge Duncan's plot (the field office field), the museum (the McCoy's), and the restaurant (the Riggin's). We had a picnic and a devo and ended by playing down at the beach (hydro). Thanks again everyone for making the treasure hunt so much fun!
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